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2022 ESTEN Foundation Bursaries Recipients Announcement

Quebec, March 6, 2023 – The ESTEN Foundation is proud to announce its 2022 bursaries recipients. Over a dozen applications were submitted by the due date set on December 31, 2022. Bursaries are awarded in two categories: Onsite Wastewater Applied Research and Innovative Projects. The Foundation and members of the Jury wish to thank all […]

Quebec, March 6, 2023 – The ESTEN Foundation is proud to announce its 2022 bursaries recipients. Over a dozen applications were submitted by the due date set on December 31, 2022. Bursaries are awarded in two categories: Onsite Wastewater Applied Research and Innovative Projects. The Foundation and members of the Jury wish to thank all participants.

In the Applied Research category, the $2000 bursary is awarded to Mrs Chloé Frechette, PhD , researcher at the University of Montréal (Québec) for the research on : Design of zero liquid discharge leachate treatment system using an evapotranspiration willow bed. The recipient of the $1000 bursary is Mr Ahmad Rahimpour, researcher at University of Alberta (Edmonton, AB) for the research on: Synthesis of heterogeneous metal organic Framework-Graphene oxide nanocomposite membranes for water treatment..

In the Innovative Project category, the $2000 bursary is awarded to Mrs Maryem Mansour,  student at polytechnique Montreal (Québec, Qc) for the projet : On site sanitation : towards better health inspection practices. The recipient of the $1000 bursary is Bedford City for the project : Targeted interventions on runoff control and soil conservation.

The ESTEN Foundation is also pleased to announce that applications can now be submitted for the 2022 bursaries. We encourage applicants to submit their research or project on the foundation website at .

Congratulations to this year’s recipients.

Daniel Roch, President


Mrs Chloé Frédette, PhD, researcher at University of Montréal, (Québec),

Mrs Maryem Mansour, student at Polytechnique Montréal,


Bedford City


The ESTEN Foundation is a non-profit organization created by Enviro-STEP Technologies and Enviro Neptune in collaboration with several players in the field of Onsite Wastewater in Canada. The mission of the ESTEN foundation is to encourage research, development and innovation in connection with the Onsite Wastewater industry and water protection, through grants, donations and targeted initiatives.

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