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Grants presentation 2020

On May 31st and on June 3rd 2021, our two recipients received their grants for their works in the category: “Applied research in onsite wastewater”.

Grants presentation 2020

Mr. Daniel Roch, President of the ESTEN Foundation, awarded a 1500$ cheque to Dominique Claveau-Mallet (Polytechnique Montreal) with an honorary certificate. The grant has been attributed for her work on “Phosphorus Removal and Carbon Dioxide Capture in a Pilot Conventional Septic System Upgraded with a Sidestream Steel Slag Filter”. This research is lead along with Hatim Seltani (Bionest) and Pres. Yves Comeau (Polytechnique Montréal).

Mr. Roch also awarded a 500$ grant to Céline Vaneeckhaute from Laval University. Her research is entitled “Development of resilient municipal wastewater treatment infrastructure targeting water reuse in Nunavik”. She works alongside Younès Messaddeq, Caroline Huot and Marc Journeault from Laval University.

Call for applications 2021

The ESTEN Foundation is calling for candidates for both of its categories: applied research and innovative project. Professors, researchers and students from universities and colleges are welcome to submit their candidacy in the category “Applied research in onsite wastewater.”

The category “Innovative project in water protection and sensibilization” is for municipalities, conservation authorities, consultancies, associations, etc.

The Foundation encourages every project or research submission. Each of these submissions will be judged by 3 professionals of the industry. In each of these categories, two grants will be awarded: 1 500$ for first place and 500$ for second place.




The ESTEN Foundation is a non-profit organization created by Enviro-STEP Technologies and Enviro Neptune in collaboration with several players in the field of Onsite Wastewater in Canada. The mission of the ESTEN foundation is to encourage research, development and innovation in connection with the Onsite Wastewater industry and water protection, through grants, donations and targeted initiatives.

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